Em Estância o dia começou às 6 horas com o café da manhã.
Dai a gente foi de ônibus até a Praia do Forte - uma praça comercial cheia de
lojas pequenas com artesanato. Aí nos assistimos uma exposição de Projeto
Tamar- uma organização que ajuda salvar e criar tartarugas. Depois duas horas
de uma explicação e de olhar distintos tipos de tartarugas a gente almoçou e
recebeu duas horas de tempo livre para fazer compras e ir para a praia. Depois
a gente voltou para o ônibus para mais uma hora de viagem com destino Salvador! Quando nos chegamos no
hotel, tudo mundo tomou banho e preparou para sair para um teatro. A gente
assistiu um Balé Folclórico- um show sobre a cultura e a historia do Salvador.
Tudo mundo gostou de show, mas quando terminou as 21:30, a gente já estava
morrendo de fome e podia pensar só em ir direto para uma pizzaria onde a gente
jantou. Depois o jantar a gente foi para o hotel e foi dormir muito rápido,
porque estávamos muito cansado.
Mikolaj Wus & Andrea Rivas
In Estância the day started at 6am with breakfast. Then we went, by bus, to Forte Beach - a commercial square full of little stores with handicraft. Then we watched a Project Tamar showing - which is an organization that helps saving and growing turtles. After two hours of a 'lecture' and looking at different types of turtles we had lunch and got two hours of free time to do some shopping and go to the beach. Then we got back to the bus to a trip of another hour heading to Salvador. When we got to the hotel everyone took a shower and got ready to go see a theater. We watched a Folkloric Ballet - a presentation about Salvador's history and culture. Everyone liked the show, but when it ended at 09:30pm everyone was really hungry already and could only think about going straight to the pizzeria where had dinner. After dinner we went back to the hotel and slept really fast, because we were all really tired.
Mikolaj Wus & Andrea Rivas
In Estância the day started at 6am with breakfast. Then we went, by bus, to Forte Beach - a commercial square full of little stores with handicraft. Then we watched a Project Tamar showing - which is an organization that helps saving and growing turtles. After two hours of a 'lecture' and looking at different types of turtles we had lunch and got two hours of free time to do some shopping and go to the beach. Then we got back to the bus to a trip of another hour heading to Salvador. When we got to the hotel everyone took a shower and got ready to go see a theater. We watched a Folkloric Ballet - a presentation about Salvador's history and culture. Everyone liked the show, but when it ended at 09:30pm everyone was really hungry already and could only think about going straight to the pizzeria where had dinner. After dinner we went back to the hotel and slept really fast, because we were all really tired.
Mikolaj Wus & Andrea Rivas
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